Vol I. – The broadcast of this book is taken over by CHARIS (at the Vatican). Contact: info@charis.international

Product Description

The broadcast of this book is taken over by CHARIS (at the Vatican).
Contact: info@charis.international

The first volume places us firmly at the heart of the mystery of the Church as animated by the Holy Spirit. The Church is at the same time both institutional and charismatic. She must at all times be able to attune herself to new manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and discern their authenticity, while remaining faithful to her age-old mission, as recalled at the Second Vatican Council.

The originality of Cardinal Suenens’ contribution is undoubtedly the fact that he was able to combine a Marian spirituality with this new openness to the workings of the Holy Spirit which characterized the Charismatic Renewal, also justly known as “Renewal in the Spirit”. As a pastor, he always stressed the need for this movement to remain in a vital union with the Church, “guarantor of humanity, humility, equilibrium and wisdom.”


233 pages.
ISBN: 90-75410-07-7