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Financial support?


The whole FIAT apostolate is based on voluntary work. However the running of the international secretarial office requires some funding. We are very often invited to offer reductions on costs for sending rosaries and various evangelization tools to economically weak countries. We are grateful for financial support.

Bank Information: IBAN : BE15 0011 7774 7930                  BIC : GEBABEBB

If you desire, you can fill in the form bellow, after which we can confirm your donation and send a thankful message.



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    We respect your privacy. Your data is safe with us and we will use it only in order to answer to your request.



    To find out more about the activities of the Catholic community at the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham (UK), click here

    More information on the activities of the Shrine of Our Lady of Banneux (Belgium), click here


    The FIAT Association also is a network of friends who support each other in many apostolats