The Creation of a Cenacle Group
Since the FIAT Association began its apostolate, we have been discovering how small “Cenacle cells” have formed around the communal recitation of the rosary. The key is the FIAT prayer, which is a solid basis for evangelization. For how could anyone daily recite this prayer to the Holy Spirit in union with Mary without being carried along by its spiritual dynamism?
Those who draw strength from the FIAT prayer and rosary often tell others about it. If such people make themselves known to us, we suggest to them that they might meet together regularly to continue to pray the rosary with others, as a family or with friends.
Once such a group has been formed, we propose that members share with each other how they have lived out the message of the FIAT prayer. Thus everyone has the opportunity to express how his or her faith has been nourished in the preceding weeks and how he or she has tried, in word and deed, to bear witness to Christ and to his love for us.
Then, if such meetings become regular, we suggest that after a few months the group participate in the apostolate of the local Church. It is by participating actively in the local Church (parish, diocese) that bonds with the Christian community are formed.
The initiative of these “Cenacle cells” sometimes comes from lay people; at other times, it may be the parish clergy who take the initiative.
Based on these experiences in different countries, we can say that in the FIAT prayer we have a means of grace with which to help Christians commit themselves to witnessing to their faith. In so doing we assume fully our vocation as baptized Christians, which is none other than to live and to bear witness to the love that God has shown us.