About FIAT
- Since the birth of the FIAT-rosary an apostolate arose and developed. An association, without commercial goal, was founded in 1987 (in Belgium), in accordance with the law of June 27th 1921.
- The association bears the name of “FIAT Association” (“Association FIAT” in French).
Her objectives, the names of the founding members and members of the board of administration are published in the Belgian Official Journal of January 20th 2005, which is consultable online:
The association is registered in the official list of companies and organisations of the Kingdom of Belgium under the number 431 261 802. - The board of administration, the central organ of the association, meets two times each year (verification of the annual financial statement, budget, planned activities, evaluation,…)
- The International Secretariat handles the daily work of the organisation.
It is located at the following address (in the Pastoral Centre of the Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels):
Varkensstraat 6
B-2800 Mechelen
In the Heart of the Church
- The FIAT Association is situated in the context of the Catholic Church.
- Her apostolate is at the disposal of the local bishop or his representative.
- “One is not a Christian alone.” From out of this dynamic the Fiat Association offers Cenacle groups for service to the Church.
- The promotion of the FIAT prayer, the FIAT rosary and related texts form the central
activities of the FIAT Association.
Anyone who wishes can participate in the FIAT apostolate, locally, in a diocese, or elsewhere. - On the financial side: thanks to gifts, revenue and expenditures are kept in balance. All donations are gratefully
received and make sure that the FIAT association, already for 30 years, has been able to continue its apostolate. - The group “Friends of FIAT” originated within the FIAT Association. These friends, coming from the five continents, try to get together about every 3 years.