• Always say YES to God?

    Always say YES to God?

Gospel of today   18/01/2025

Jesus went out along the sea. All the crowd came to him and he taught them. As he passed by, he saw Levi, son of Alphaeus, sitting at the customs post. Jesus said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed Jesus. While he was at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners sat with Jesus and his disciples; for there were many who followed him. Some scribes who were Pharisees saw that Jesus was eating with sinners and tax collectors and said to his disciples, “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus heard this and said to them, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.”

Mc.2, 13-17

“No matter what storm you face, you need to know that God loves you.
He has not abandoned you”

The Malines Documents

Anyone who travels the path of life for a Christian needs a directional signpost.

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The family is the basic cell of society, as well as of the Church.

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FIAT Rosary

No one can be a Christian alone. If we wish our faith to grow, we need to share it with others.

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"Even today, Jesus is born of Mary and the Holy Spirit"

Cardinal Suenens

Putting prayer into action

The outpouring of the Spirit is not an event in the past that is over and done with: Pentecost, as a transformative experience brought about by the Holy Spirit, is still going on in the Church.

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United with Mary

During an interview, Pope Francis speaks of the missionary Church and said: "Instead of being just a church that welcomes and receives ... let us strive to be a church that finds new roads, which is able to go out of herself and go to those who do not attend, who are gone or indifferent...

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Together with Others

The FIAT Association wishes to help anyone who desires it to (re)discover the grace of his or her baptism, to live more fully their faith in Jesus Christ and to show forth this faith in all dimensions of their personal, family, professional and social lives.

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A Rule of Life

Baptism is the beginning of the path of life for a Christian. Anyone who travels along this path needs a directional signpost. One needs a little rule of life. One needs food for the journey, which is the Word of God.

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  • Fr. Frederic Testaert, Abbot of the Postel Abbey, Belgium

    “Always saying YES to God, with and like Mary, in the all things. That is what is important in life. That is what I recall from the FIAT spirituality.”

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    Rombaut Nana Ndana, Kinshasa (Congo)

    “Supported by the FIAT spirituality, we form a strong community in Kinshasa. We dedicate ourselves to work with prison inmates, incurable sick and aids-victims.”

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    Sr. Camilla, Community of Our Lady of Walsingham (UK)

    “We discovered the FIAT-Rosary not long after the foundation of our Community – dedicated to Our Lady of Walsingham. It spoke deeply to us because our charism is rooted in the ‘Fiat’ of Mary at the Annunciation. We say the FIAT-Rosary daily together as a community and hope to spread this devotion throughout England.”

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  • Godfried Cardinal Danneels, Belgium

    “May this small FIAT rosary find its way into the families and give them to force to become Cenacles of apostles, united aside the holy Virgin Mary, to receive the Spirit of Pentecost.”

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    Sister Marie-Colette, Ursuline, France

    “I experienced the FIAT spirituality as a revival of the dynamic spirituality of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort.”

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    Kevin O’Connell, USA

    “I received the FIAT rosary a few months before a drama in my family. How would I describe the FIAT spirituality? Without any doubt: opening oneself to the Holy Spirit.”

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  • Roger and Cecile Matthys-Ryckaert, Belgium

    “The daily prayer of the FIAT rosary has given oxygen to our relationship and helped to develop the realization of the gift from God that we are, one for the other.”

    Fragment from the book on King Baudoin, Belgium

    “Teach me, Lord, when I meet people, to be for them what you want me to be: a witness of your Love for all humanity.”

    Marie-Geneviève, Foyer de Charité, Togo

    “Since their foundation in 1999, the young people of the Jeunes de Lumière have made a habit of praying this little rosary every month. They had the pleasure of making and distributing the FIAT rosary themselves.”

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  • Prof. Dr. Jan Van der Veken, Belgium

    “The FIAT-rosary gives the oppurtunity to enter, inspired by the holy Spirit and united with Mary, into the mysteries of Jesus’ life.”
